Okay, so perhaps this would be better suited as a Twitter sort of thing, but considering how long-winded I can be I thought it would be wiser to go into detail about my question rather than doing a series of Tweets.
One thing that has slightly irked me as of late within the games journalism industry is how certain sites, whether it be large ones such as GameSpot or smaller scale indie run sites, have been putting their writing staff to the forefront. By no means do I think any video game site should be run in a somewhat Borg/1984 like fashion in which everyone is part of one hive mind and there's no real indepedent thought. What I'm talking about more is how some sites will design features that immediately push a particular writer, or perhaps simply a personality in the case of YouTube style off-shoots, to the forefront in such a way that it makes them the central attraction (such if it's an attractive gal used to "attract" young guys) rather than the core content.
I'm not neccessarily getting in a hissyfit over stuff like what Jim Sterling does since that's his primary schtick lately. But when I see sites such as GameSpot do a plethora of features in which they have the faces of their writing staff Photoshopped onto images or simply have feature X hosted by person Y, I wonder if that's what people, specifically the readers/viewing audience wants. Again, I don't have a problem with certain writers getting a bit of a spotlight from time to time or being the primary reasion a person may visit a site. It makes perfect sense for some folks to have their favorites and people that they rely on when it comes to their views and general thoughts about reviews and the general happenings within the industry.
So here's my primary question for anyone that is actually reading this: Do you like features on gaming sites that heavily feature/focus on a specific writer or do you just want to read good content that actually makes the game/developer the focus?
If you want to give me your thoughts then just leave a comment here or hit me up via Twitter.
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